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$100M Leads Workflow with ChatGPT
5 minutes

$100M Leads Workflow with ChatGPT

Oct 11
5 minutes

$100M Leads Workflow with ChatGPT

Learn how to accelerate your implementation of Alex Hormozi's $100M Leads book using the power of AI.

In this step-by-step tutorial, I walk through exactly how I leverage ChatGPT with AI workflows to automate parts of implementing Alex’s book - saving huge amounts of time creating the plan and content to execute for lead generation campaigns.

Alex Hormozi's $100M Leads book provides the proven methodology, while ChatGPT allows me to systemize and streamline the execution with the right series of prompts and commands I've developed within this "$100M Leads Workflow".

I'll reveal how with the right prompts, AI can generate initial drafts of campaigns, lead magnets, emails, scripts and more.

The key is then reviewing the outputs, refining based on your business' specifics, and executing. Combine AI with your human intelligence, creativity and strategy. Don't just generate content - put those leads into action and optimize!

If you want to shortcut your path to $100M Leads using Alex’s framework, make sure to subscribe and stay tuned. I’ll be sharing more step-by-step AI workflows and tutorials to help you scale faster.

Copy & paste the workflow demonstrated in this video in ChatGPT from our blog (FREE - no opt-in required):


$100M Leads Workflow

Produced by GenAIUniversity.com

Use with $100M Leads by Alex Hormozi




[business_name]={The name of your company.}

[offering]={A brief description of the product or service you offer.}

[avatar]={A short profile of your ideal target customer.}

[niche]={The niche/market you are targeting.}

[pain_points]={Describe the current pain or challenges your Avatar is experiencing.}

[resources]={An overview of your team size and budget.}

[goals]={Your revenue or growth goals.}

[current_stage]={Where you're at today in terms of customers and revenue.}

[platforms]={Marketing platforms you currently use.}

[metrics]={Key metrics you track.}

[pricing]={How your product/service is priced.}

[formats]={How it's packaged and sold.}

[delivery]={Your distribution method.}

[brand_voice]={Describe your brand voice.}


=>command1="Act as an advertising consultant for [business_name], which offers [offering]. Recommend 2-3 effective lead magnets to attract high-value [avatar]. Consider ways AI can be incorporated into lead magnets to create more meaningful and unique offerings to help [business_name] stand out and help [avatar] overcome [pain_points] while leading them to [offering]."

=>command2="Draft an outreach message for [business_name] in the format of [desired format] to [avatar]. Use the background info [sample background] to ensure it's personalized, complimentary, and value-driven."

=>command3="List 3-4 messaging statements that [business_name] can use to quickly build trust with [avatar], emphasizing their core value."

=>command4="Design a 3-step follow-up sequence for [business_name] to engage [avatar] across different contact methods. The content should aim to start a conversation without coming across as too salesy."

=>command5="Craft a statement for [business_name] to request referrals from warm connections regarding their [offering]. Generate 3 variations."

=>command6="Suggest 3-5 content formats and styles for [business_name] to maximize engagement from [avatar] on [platforms], including a brief strategy for each."

=>command7="Generate 5 engaging headlines for [business_name] targeting [avatar], using tactics like curiosity triggers, numbers, and celebrity."

=>command8="Outline 3 structures for long-form content for [business_name] to reward [avatar] using tactics like lists and stories."

=>command9="Create 5 promotional statements for [business_name] to integrate into a content piece about [content topic], directing [avatar] to their [offering]."

=>command10="Identify 3 sources for [business_name] to build targeted contact lists for [avatar]. Provide criteria for each source."

=>command11="Advise on how [business_name] can automate their cold outreach to [avatar]. Suggest 2-3 components for automation."

=>command12="Develop an ad copy framework tailored to [business_name]'s [offering] for [avatar], incorporating PAS and AIDA frameworks. Expand on each of these frameworks to create 3 ads for each related to [avatar] in [niche] with [pain_points] for [business_name] with  [offering]"

=>command13="Propose 3-5 offer structures for [business_name] to achieve client-financed acquisition via paid ads."

=>command14="Provide 3-4 language examples for [business_name] to set expectations with customers, aiming to overdeliver."

=>command15="Suggest 2 sources of post-purchase value that [business_name] can offer customers to motivate referrals."

=>command16="Detail 2-3 incentive ideas for [business_name] to stimulate referrals from existing customers."

=>command17="Based on the book's Roadmap 7 Levels to Scale:

Roadmap 7 Levels to Scale.

  1. Friends know about your offer
  2. Max out personal outreach
  3. Hire team to scale outreach
  4. Focus on product for referrals
  5. Add new platforms and methods
  6. Hire executive team per method
  7. $100M+ revenue. Profitable paid ads at scale across methods and platforms

Level 1 Prompt: "Summarize key focus areas at Level 1 for businesses with initial product-market fit. Recommend 2-3 goals and their measurement metrics."

Level 2 Prompt: "Guide [business_name] on maximizing personal outreach at Level 2, including volume, metrics, team hires, and progression indicators."

Level 3 Prompt: "For Level 3, delineate strategies for [business_name] focusing on team hiring for outbound lead gen."

Level 4 Prompt: "Advise on product enhancements at Level 4 for [business_name]'s [offering] to boost organic referrals and measure readiness for scaling."

Level 5 Prompt: "Strategize for [business_name] on Level 5 completion, focusing on platform expansion, placements, and audience metrics."

Level 6 Prompt: "Suggest executive team hiring and structuring for [business_name] aiming for $100M+ revenue by Level 6."

=>command18="Recommend enhancements to [offering] for [business_name] at Level 4 to boost organic referrals."

=>command19="Strategize for [business_name] on completing Level 5, focusing on expanding platforms and audiences."

=>command20="Detail executive team hiring recommendations for [business_name] tailored to their [offering] as they approach Level 6."

⇒ [EXECUTE] [REFERENCE] to [result]


For each command, execute the prompt as it related to the [business_name] and [offering] aligned with [avatar] and [goals] from [CONTEXT FRAMEWORK]. Execute each in sequential order, each one building off the last and everything addressing the key [variables] related to [avatar] in [niche] to help [company] reach more [avatar] and hit [goals]. Apply [brand_voice] across <commands>. Write out the full expected final outcome of the copy for each section, expanding on the prompt to create the desired end result. IMPORTANT: When you execute, do NOT include the <command> for each section. Do NOT include the word <command> in any of the output response. Instead, produce a headers for each <command> that identifies that as a new section. The beginning of the output should begin with $100M Leads Workflow for [business_name]. Format each section with blog or whitepaper formatting with no syntax and execute the format so it is clean and easy to read and understand what each section entails.

When you get to the Roadmap 7 Levels to Scale.

List out each level in accordance with what has been produced in the workflow above to draw on the same context and apply it for each prompt.

Level 1: Friends know about your offer

Level 2: Max out personal outreach

Level 3: Hire team to scale outreach

Level 4: Focus on product for referrals

Level 5: Add new platforms and methods

Level 6: Hire executive team per method

Level 7: $100M+ revenue. Profitable paid ads at scale across methods and platforms

⇒ Execute [result]



Produced by GenAIUniversity.com

Darby Rollins

Darby Rollins is the founder of Gen AI University, creator of MarketSauce.ai, and host of the Scale with AI Summit. As the world's first Jasper AI user (with receipts to prove it) Darby's AI training and education has made a positive impact on thousands of entrepreneurs and business leaders all over the world learning to leverage AI to grow their business. Darby has been featured in publications including The New York Times, Forbes, AdWorld, The Verge, DigitalMarketer, and more. Outside of AI, Darby is also the co-founder and creator behind SideHustle: The Party Game for Entrepreneurs and currently lives in Austin, TX with his wife Rachel, and their dog, Luna.

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