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Transcript Analysis Prompts with Claude AI
2 minutes

Transcript Analysis Prompts with Claude AI

Artificial Intelligence
Jul 22
2 minutes

This blog shows you how to use an AI tool called Claude to break down and understand your mastermind calls, client interviews, and team meetings. It's a simple way to get more out of these important conversations.


  1. What it does
    • Analyzes transcripts from calls and meetings
    • Pulls out key information and insights
  2. How to use it
    • Upload your transcript
    • Paste in a special set of instructions (prompt)
    • Let Claude analyze the content
  3. What you get
    • Executive summary
    • Main ideas and topics covered
    • Action items
    • Questions to consider
  4. Benefits
    • Saves time reviewing calls
    • Highlights important points you might miss
    • Helps plan next steps
  5. Tips for using
    • Can ask Claude follow-up questions
    • Useful for different types of calls (mastermind, client, team)

This simple approach helps you quickly understand what Claude does and how it can be useful for analyzing various types of important conversations.

Just copy & paste the "Full Prompt" below into Claude or if you'd like, another LLM like ChatGPT to run a similar workflow based on your transcript provided as context.

Full Prompt:

Optimized Comprehensive Transcript Analysis


Analyze the provided transcript to generate a thorough, context-rich overview that captures key information, insights, and implications.


  1. Perform an initial quick read to grasp the overall context and main themes.
  2. Conduct a detailed analysis, focusing on:

a. Main Topics and Structure

    • Outline the transcript's structure and primary topics
    • Identify recurring themes and patterns

b. Key Information

    • Highlight crucial facts, data, and significant quotes
    • Note important decisions, agreements, and disagreements
    • Identify turning points in discussions

c. Action Items and Takeaways

    • List explicit and implied action items
    • Compile key takeaways and insights

d. Context and Implications

    • Analyze the overall tone and atmosphere
    • Identify underlying assumptions or biases
    • Explore potential consequences of discussed topics
    • Note areas requiring further clarification or follow-up
  1. Synthesize the analysis into a coherent narrative, maintaining context throughout.

Output Format

  1. Executive Summary (3-5 bullet points)
    • Concisely capture the essence of the transcript
  2. Detailed Analysis

a. Structural Overview

  1. Outline of main topics and discussion flow
  2. Recurring themes and patterns

b. Key Information Highlights

    • Critical facts, data, and quotes
    • Significant decisions and agreements/disagreements
    • Turning points in the discussion

c. Action Items and Takeaways

    • List of action items (explicit and implied)
    • Key insights and takeaways

d. Contextual Analysis

    • Overall tone and atmosphere
    • Underlying assumptions or biases
    • Potential implications or consequences
    • Areas needing clarification or follow-up
  1. Open Questions and Future Considerations
    • Unresolved issues from the transcript
    • Potential next steps or areas for further exploration


  • Maintain a balanced perspective, capturing diverse viewpoints if present
  • Ensure all analysis is grounded in the transcript's content
  • Use clear, concise language while preserving nuance and context
  • Highlight uncertainties or ambiguities in the transcript, if any
  • Tailor the depth of analysis to the transcript's length and complexity

End Prompt

Darby Rollins

Darby Rollins is the founder of Gen AI University and a leading AI integration consultant. Darby's AI training and education continues to help people all over the world streamline scale content production with AI. Darby has been featured in publications including The New York Times, Forbes, AdWorld, The Verge, DigitalMarketer, and more. Outside of AI, Darby is also the co-founder and creator behind SideHustle: The Party Game for Entrepreneurs and currently lives in Austin, TX with his fiance Rachel and puppy, Luna.

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